Annual General meeting -2015

The 5th Annual General Body Meeting of the members of the World Confederation of Warries (WCW), was held on Sunday 14th June 2015, at the Basement Hall of Shri. Subramanieswamy Temple Building, Chhedda Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai – 400089. The meeting commenced at 11.00 AM with lighting of the traditional lamp & prayer. The meeting was presided over by Mr. T. V. Ramachandran, president of WCW. Mr. Suresh Warrier, Finance Director, Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai, was the chief guest. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Sreelal Warrier, Advocate, High Court, Ernakulam, who is also the legal advisor of WCW. Representatives of WCW from other centers such as Coimbatore, Bangalore & Delhi were also present. The meeting had been divided into two sessions. The morning session was earmarked to present to the members detail of the current activities being undertaken by WCW in its present main centers viz., the Western Region (mainly Mumbai & Navi Mumbai) & Kerala as also to consider proposals for new projects & programmes to be taken up in the next five year period. Mr. T. Vijayan, Chairman, Western Regional Committee of WCW welcomed the gathering. The president Mr. T. V. Ramachandran, in his address briefed about the main aims & objectives of WCW, mainly to engage in charitable activities in the areas of medical care, education, etc., & in the long run to establish few institutions like hospitals, old age homes, senior citizen care centers, etc. He sought the co-operation & support from all members to help WCW achieve its goals. Mr. Suresh Warrier, (M/s.RCF Ltd) chief guest, during his address stated that though his contact with WCW was of a very recent date only, he was impressed with the charitable activities WCW is regularly engaged in currently & particularly in conducting free eye check up & health Check up Camps in schools & other centers. He said he will extend whatever help possible to help WCW expand its activities. He also mentioned that he has referred WCW to his company’s office dealing in their CSR activities to consider whether they can associate with WCW to handle some of their CSR programmes. Thereafter Mrs. Srikala Warrier, Team Leader, Western Regional Committee of WCW, gave a detailed account of WCW’s activities in the Western Regional, along with a power point presentation of its activities. Mr. Suresh Warrier gave details of the current activities of WCW in Kerala, mainly by way of financial support for medical treatments. Mr. Ravindra Warier, Secretary, Western Regional committee of WCW briefly informed the audience about some new projects with major capital investment, WCW is proposing to take up in the next five years, viz, establishment of a hospital, an old age home & a senior citizens care centers all of which would mostly be located in Kerala. He informed that WCW is already looking for some land, in Trichur distract, to set up one of the projects. He also gave the details of the proposed land of about 1.08 Acres, with photographs & power point presentation. The members generally approved the proposals of WCW. Many members from the audience, including Mr. A.S. Madhavan, Mr. Sreelal Warrier, Dr. Sasidharan Kutty, etc, gave their opinions & suggestions for new projects to be taken up by WCW. WCW President Mr. Ramachandran informed the speakers that their suggestions would be considered while finalizing the future projects. A special invitee at the meeting was Mr. Kishore Gohil, a totally blind person & promoter of various establishments & schemes for helping & empowering blind people to engage in productive activities, in spite of their blindness. He emphasized the need to promote eye donation awareness & requested people to pledge to donate their eyes after their demise. He said such donated eyes can bring in a new life to the vision impaired people. WCW made a token donation of Rs. 5000/- to one of his organizations which helps blind artists. As a follow-up of Mr. Gohil’s speech, WCW distributed Eye Donation pledge cards, jointly produced by WCW & Varier Samajam, Mumbai, to all the members of the audience. The next programme in the agenda was felicitating the scores of volunteers from Mumbai & Navi Mumbai, who have extended free & selfless service to WCW to conduct various eye check-up & health check-up camps. The felicitation was by way of giving them a token gift in appreciation of their help & service to WCW. Mr. Suresh Warrier, chief quest & Mr. T. V. Ramachandran President, handed over the gifts to the volunteers. The morning session which ended at this stage was followed by buffet lunch. In the afternoon session, Mr. Sreelal Warrier, gave a brief demonstration of a yoga exercise which will help people to reduce mental & physical stress & get a calm sleep. All the persons in the audience participated in the demonstration, which lasted just about 15- 20 minutes. After the above demonstration, the statutory matters of the AGM were taken up. Thsess matters included:- 1. Reading & approval of the minutes of the last AGM held at Ernakulam on 13.07.2014. The minutes was read by Mr. Suresh Warrier, General Secretary, WCW, & it was approved by the audience & the required resolution approving the minutes, was passed. 2. Presentation of the Income & Expenditure account of WCW for the year 2014-15 & the balance sheet as on 31.03.2015. WCW treasurer Mr. Appu Warrier summarized the statements of accounts & as there were no queries, they were put for approval of the meeting & a resolution in this regard was passed unanimously. 3. The next item was appointment of auditors for the year 2015-16. As the present auditors have agreed for re-appointment, required resolution in this regard was also passed. Following the above, the subject of election of a new Managing Committee was taken up due to expiry of the five year term of the first Managing Committee, as per rules & regulations of WCW. In this connection, Mr. T. V. Sekharan Kutty was proposed & requested to be the Election Officer. Mr. Sekharan Kutty then took the chair of Election Officer & started the proceedings. As there were no nominations to contest any position in the Managing Committee, the election officer suggested that the present Managing Committee itself be re-elected for a further term of five years. The members agreed to this suggestion. The election officer was also informed by the General Secretary that the Committee has proposed to enhance the number of total committee members from existing 9 to 11 (including all posts), due to personnel needed to handle increasing activities of WCW. He informed that consent letters have been received from two persons, viz Mr. T. V. Balachandran & Dr. Sashidharan Kutty, to work as Managing Committee members, thus making it possible to increase the strength of the Managing Committee to 11. With this, the Election Officer, announced the appointment of the new Managing Committee with eleven members for the period 2015-20, with all the current office bearers re-elected. The election process concluded here with a vote of thanks to the election officer. The meeting ended thereafter with vote of thanks to all by Mr. T. Vijayan.